Below you will find the documents needed for Coop operations along with the required forms.
Bring the Commitment Form & Waiver forms filled out and signed to Orientation. Most documents are created in Microsoft Word, if you don’t have Microsoft Word, there are several alternatives that will open the documents, I’m recommending Libre Office, which is a Free Open Source Alternative. Directions to Install Libre Office HERE
Provides additional information useful for the Nursery workers like: allergies, special needs, care instructions
Nursery Log for each week to keep track of snacks, bottles, diaper changes, bathroom visits, etc.
REQUIRED YEARLY RE-SUBMISSION – Print & Sign. – Bring to Orientation. – Grants permission for your child to assist in the coop activities.
Grants permission for your child to be in Study Hall
ACES-Parent-Commitment-Form – Required Yearly
ACES-Waiver-and-Release-of-Liability – Required Yearly.