Class Information


On this page, you’ll find:

Class Descriptions:

Teachers: Micah Meissner (Art), Tiffany Young (circle time), Brianna Lee (Sensory), Leanne Grizwold (P.E.)
Preschoolers come hop, skip and jump through the alphabet as you learn and make new friends! First hour starts with free play and moves into circle time where the letter and theme of the day is introduced. Second hour is all about art! We get to cut, glue, paint, color and more. Let’s get messy and have some fun learning the alphabet! Third hour is split in half. We’ll do music in the beginning and sensory at the end. During music time we will be practicing our songs for the concert and in sensory time the children get to play with play doh, dried rice, dirt, water, bubbles and more. Each week will be a different sensory experience. Last, but not least, 4th hour is a time to get the wiggles out in gym class. The preschoolers will be learning group games and doing plenty of running, skipping and jumping.  Please send a water bottle and Tennis shoes.
Class Fee: $27

 Kindergarten Math Fun & Games
Teacher: Lene White
Students will have fun playing games while learning math basics. We will use large motor skill games, board games, and manipulatives to engage their bodies as well as their brains and try to make sense out of why math can be easy and fun!
Students will need to bring a pencil to class
Class Fee: $5 per student

Kindergarten Language Fun
Teacher: Caitlyn Lilly
Students will have fun practicing their phonics skills, handwriting, and reading in a variety of ways. This class will incorporate music, movement, games, large group and small group activities all to help reinforce their language skills
Class Fee: $5 per student

First Grade Math Fun & Games
Teacher: Melanie Richardson
We will explore basic 1st Grade math concepts like money, telling time, skip counting, patterns, addition and subtraction through games, activities and worksheets. I will try to have some variety every class. Students should bring a folder and pencils.
Class Fee: $7 per student

First Grade Language Arts Fun
Teacher: Elizabeth Urlaub
In 1st Grade Language Fun, we use Mo Willems’,  Elephant and Piggie books to practice reading and learn language concepts. We incorporate fun activities and games to expand language and reading skills.
Class Fee: $8 per student

Kindergarten – Gr. 1 Art
Teachers: Melissa Riehm
Kindergarten and first grade students will learn various forms of art and different art techniques. We will be using water color, clay, acrylic paint, oil pastels, construction paper, clay pots, etc. Come with creativity in mind and learn new and fun ways to create a masterpiece! Students should bring a paint shirt with to class.
Class fee: $10 per student

Gr. K-12 Music
Teachers: Katie Wiertzema (4-10), Sarah Mandler (2-3 Fall), Caitlyn Lily & Laura Meyer (K/1)
Music classes will practice and prepare for the Christmas Program and the Spring Concert. We will learn that music is a gift from God and that we can use the gifts and talents He has given each one of us to worship Him.
Class Fee: $5

Gr. 2-3 Geography
Teachers: Jenny Habbena
This class will learn about different cultures and countries throughout the world. We will pick 8-10 countries to explore by interactive art projects, food, songs, activities, etc.
Class Fee:$10

Gr. 2-3 Stories and Sharing
Teacher: Amanda Swinborne
In this gentle introduction to Public Speaking for young children, we will practice our skills in presenting information to a group of peers. Students will have the opportunity to read aloud from favorite story books, recite favorite poems and Bible Verses, share about special events such as family vacations, answer questions from an audience and play a variety of games.
Class Fee: $5

Grades 2-3 Art
Teacher: Sara Meyer
Second and third graders will create a variety of fun art projects using different methods and mediums this year. Please bring a pencil to class.
Class Fee: $7

Gr. 2-6 Hands on Science
Teachers: Heather Horn, Jaime Beyersdorf
We will be using two science units from The Good and the Beautiful this year: Chemistry &
Motion and Simple Machines. We have purchased a journal for each child for each unit. Students will complete the journal pages and do hands on activities in class to learn more about theses areas of science.
Please help your child remember to bring the following items to class every week: Binder and science journal (We have purchased both of these. Students will receive the first week class.)
Markers and/ or Colored Pencils
Glue Stick
Class Fee: $22

PreK-10 P.E.
Teacher: Paula Gramer, Leanne Grizwold
Students will play hard, get sweaty, learn new skills and have fun interacting with one another in group games and team sports. PE units include, but are not limited to, indoor and outdoor games, soccer, flag football, ultimate frisbee, kickball, volleyball, aerobics, floor hockey, and modifications to many of the sports listed.
For Grades 4-10 it is recommended that students bring deodorant to use before and after class
Class Fee: $3 per student for the year

Grades 4-6 Art
Teacher: Sheila German
Make your own masterpieces! We will be using a wide variety of different art styles and mediums. Hope to unleash each student’s imagination and creativity with exposure to multiple fun, new ideas.
Class Fee: $20

Grade 4-6 Drama
Teacher: Stephanie Kieszek
Welcome back to Drama! This year we will again be exploring all things theater. Students will learn basic stage lingo and etiquette, stage presence, character development, improvisation, and costume design. This year students will be auditioning for the spring performance. Not all students will be placed in the performance. Some will learn how to be understudies and/ or help behind stage as prop handlers. Students should bring highlighter, pencil and imagination.
Class Fee: $10 per student

Grade 7-10 Drama
Teacher: Stephanie Kieszek
Welcome back students!! We had so much fun last year in our 7-10 grade drama; we get to offer this class again. Students will have the opportunity to learn improvisation through fun exercises. These exercises will help students break out of their comfort zones and encourage them to make quick decisions while speaking in front of their peers. For the spring performance we will be assessing the class and deciding between improv games or a mini play performance based on how the class progresses. Some students might also have the opportunity to help in the production of the 4/5/6 grade performance as well, depending on the needs.
Class Fee: $5 per student

Grade 7-8  Apologia Physical Science
Teacher: Carrie Moore & Tanya Moser
Exploring Creation with Physical Science 3rd Edition – Apologia
This is the lab component for Physical Science.  Although the class will follow Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Physical Science (3rd ed), students can use any Physical Science textbook at home.  Lab units will cover:  chemistry (matter, atoms, bonds, energy, compounds), physics (motion, forces, energy, waves, light, electricity/magnetism) and earth science (geology, atmosphere).
Class fee:  $25

Gr. 7-10 Writing
Teacher: Amanda Swinborne 
Whether your student loves to write or dreads it, this writing class will benefit all students. Using the I.E.W. method, we will begin with the most basic components of keyword outlines and note taking and move through concepts such as: summarizing a reference, writing from pictures, inventive writing, and formal essays models. Students will need to bring their own copies of The Magician’s Nephew and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. Students will be guided through every step of the writing process and given a checklist to follow for every assignment. This class is going to be fun and hopefully remove any fear of writing that some students have! There will be a weekly homework assignment. And yes kids, as you have come to expect, there will be candy. 🙂
Class Fee: $40 (Includes: student workbook, homework folder, writing portfolio & pens and paper for class time.)

7-10 Analyzing & Appreciating Literature
Teacher: Jenny Habbena
We will be looking at various literary terms and concepts, and using those concepts to explore various works of fiction and poetry. We will analyze those those works and hope to gain a deeper understanding of the piece as well as the author’s worldview and what they were striving to communicate.  Class Fee:$5

7-10 Geography
Teacher: Sarah Mandler
Dream of scaling the world’s highest mountains, or exploring ruins of an ancient civilization? Ever wonder where Babylon and Daniel’s lion pit were, on a modern map? Where was the Silk Road, and how did it change the world? Who makes Google maps?
In this course, we will cover broad stokes of world geography, from a historic to modern perspective, review core map skills, times zones and patterns of human migration. As we discuss the map of God’s creation, students will gain better insight into world history, important current geopolitical conflicts, and how they might impact us as Christians and individuals today.
Bring your questions and your sense of curiosity and adventure as we explore (and snack!) our way around the world!
Class Fee: $20

Gr. 7-12 Year Book
Teacher: Christine Johnson
The yearbook team will work together to learn the process of creating the 23/24 yearbook, including: organizing the shoots and yearbook content, taking both posed and candid pictures, digitally formatting yearbook pages and the basics of photography. Following yearbook submission in February, students will dive further into the elements and art of photography.

Requirement: Students will need to bring a smart phone or digital camera to class. They will need access to a computer. Suggested: Computer onsite during the yearbook editing months of January and February. Students will be responsible for completing sections of the yearbook, which will be assigned by the teacher.
Class Fee:$20

Gr. 9-12 Biology Lab
Teacher: Erica Koster
The class will follow the A Beka Biology curriculum, though students can use any Biology textbook at home. We will cover microscopy, plant structure, human anatomy, animal dissection, and genetics. Students are required to purchase their copy of the A Beka Biology Field & Laboratory Manual. Please buy the current edition. The class fee covers the purchase of dissection specimens, live specimens, chemicals, and other supplies.
Class Fee: $40

Study Hall 9-10
With written permission from parents, a student can choose not attend a class and instead spend this time in Study Hall doing schoolwork or volunteering in a younger class. A permission slip* should be filled out by a parent. These alternatives are not intended for students in grades lower than Grade 9.
*Permission Slips can be found on the Document Library Page

What to bring (Required Supply Lists)

Labeled Diaper Bag with adequate supply of diapers and wipes, extra change of clothes, labeled sippy cup and snacks, labeled bottles and formula, favorite blanket for nap time.

Please provide two labeled nut-free snacks for your child (we may be having two separate snack times), a labeled water bottle and tennis shoes for P.E.

K-Gr. 1
snack to eat in class, a pencil for Kindergarten Math Fun and Games for Gr. 1 Language Fun; a water bottle and Tennis shoes for P.E., and Paint shirt for Art.

Gr. 2-3
Snack to eat in class, students will need to bring a paint shirt or vest, and a sharpened pencil to class for Art. Students should bring a pencil for Science.

Gr. 4-6
it is recommended that students bring deodorant to use before and after class for Large Group Games; a pencil for Science; scissors, pencil, and a glue stick for Art; and a highlighter and pencil for Topical Drama.

Gr. 7-12
Please Bring pencils and a 3-ring binder with loose-leaf paper for Gr. 7-8 Physical Science. Students are required to purchase their copy of the A Beka Biology Field & Laboratory Manual; please buy the current edition for 9-10 Biology Lab. It is recommended that students bring deodorant to use before and after class P.E.

High School Science Lab Classes

These classes are on a yearly rotation, they are offered to meet High School lab requirements.

Gr. 9-12 Chemistry Laboratory
This is the laboratory component for Chemistry. Students can use any Chemistry curriculum at home. During class we will watch an A Beka Chemistry Laboratory video, discuss concepts, and fill out a lab report. A class fee will cover the cost of printing the lab report sheets. Students should bring a 1″ 3-ring binder to class.
Gr. 9-12 Biology Laboratory
The class will follow the A Beka Biology curriculum, though students can use any Biology textbook at home. We will cover microscopy, plant structure, human anatomy, animal dissection, and genetics. Students are required to purchase their copy of the A Beka Biology Field & Laboratory Manual. Please buy the current edition. The class fee covers the purchase of dissection specimens, live specimens, chemicals, and other supplies.
Gr. 7-10 Physical Science Laboratory
This is the lab component for Physical Science.  Although the class will follow Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Physical Science (3rd ed), students can use any Physical Science textbook at home.  Lab units will cover:  chemistry (matter, atoms, bonds, energy, compounds), physics (motion, forces, energy, waves, light, electricity/magnetism) and earth science (geology, atmosphere).

Gr. 7-10 General Science Laboratory
This is the lab component for General Science.  Although the class will follow Apologia’s Exploring Creation with General Science (3rd ed), students can use any General Science textbook at home.  Lab units will cover:  earth sciences (geology, paleontology), chemistry, physics, biology, marine & environmental sciences.

ACES Science Classes Past and Projected Future Offerings

Note, This contains some duplication from above depending on the year.  This is meant to be an overall summary of Science courses, see above for information for the current year.

All science curriculum is based on a Christian worldview, the foundation of which is the biblical account of a six day creation and young earth.

Gr. 1 Hands-on Science (This class is not currently scheduled, but may be offered again in future years).
Students will explore many areas of science through books, hands-on experiments and demonstrations.
The class fee is $13.50 per student (class fee subject to change)

Grades 2-6
General Rotation (1-5 year cycle) with more detailed class descriptions below

  • 2019-2020 – (3) Animal Kingdom and Botany (some dissections)
  • 2020-2021 – (4) Earth Science by Exploring Geology and Weather
  • 2021-2022 – (5) Exploring Creation with Astronomy (Apologia young Explorers Series)
  • 2022-2023 – (1) Human Anatomy and Physiology (Good and Beautiful Science Units)
  • 2023-2024 – (2) Chemistry and Physics ( Good and Beautiful Chemistry and Good and Simple Machines)

Grades 7-8
General Rotation

  • 2023- 2024 – Exploring Creation with Physical Science (Apologia Exploring Creation with Physical Science)
  • 2024-2025 – Exploring Creation with General Science (Apologia Exploring Creation with General Science)

High School Science Class Rotation
(General two-class rotation, additional class offerings may be considered as teachers are available.

  • 2023-2024 – Biology Lab with dissections (A Beka curriculum)
  • 2024-2025 – Chemistry Lab via DVD (A Beka Curriculum)